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Top Beach Resorts

Top Beach Resorts

The Philippines can rightfully claim to be the Beach Capital of Asia, with 7,107 islands, and a coastline twice the length of that of the United States.

But with hundreds of beach resorts, it’s not easy to choose which one to visit next. Here’s a list of the best beach resorts in the Philippines, consistently top-rated by guests for their amenities, price, staff friendliness, cleanliness, ambience and comfort. Also check picture slider below.

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Five Reasons to Go On an All-Inclusive Holiday and Guided Tour

Five Reasons to Go On an All-Inclusive Holiday and Guided Tour

Going on a holiday requires one to plan and make arrangements for food accommodation, local travel, and lot many other things. The job gets really challenging when you are planning for a destination you haven’t visited before. This has brought in the concept of all inclusive holidays arranged by a tour guide. So, how can it help you? Here are some useful things you’d love to know about all-inclusive holidays and guided tours.

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Chocolate Hills

Chocolate Hills of Bohol, Philippines

Chocolate Hills of Bohol, Philippines

The landscape of Bohol is dotted by an estimated  1,776 cone-shaped hills famously known as the Chocolate Hills. This UNESCO World Heritage Site and New 7 Wonders of the World Nominee is the pride of the province. They look like giant ant hills and remind us of little balls a child might have made on a beach. They are very uniform in shape and are of similar sizes, mostly between 30 and 50 meters high. They are covered with green grass that turn chocolate brown in dry season, which give them the name.


Tarsier (Tarsius syrichta)

The Bohol Tarsier

The Bohol Tarsier

This small haplorrhine (a specie related to apes and monkeys)  measures 4 to 6 inches in height and with a tail twice its body length. These nocturnal creatures are now endangered but local and national government agencies have taken action to create a natural sanctuary for these species.



Sandugo and Sandugo Festival

The blood compact or sandugo was done on March 15, 1565 between Datu Sikatuna and Spanish Conquistador Miguel Lopez de Legazpi. The event is considered as the first peace treaty between Spaniards and the native settlers of the Philippine Islands. Every year, the Boholanos celebrate this momentous event through the Sandugo Festival.

Delectable Food

Ubi (purple yam) has become one of the staple food for Boholanos and is the most famous root crop from Bohol. Thus, it is a must to try Ubi Kinampay, a special variety of purple yam. The “binignit”, a concoction of sweet potato (kamote), saba banana, landang (processed from the “boli” palm to serve as thickener), purple yam, and coconut milk is a favorite delicacy.

Baclayon Church

The Baclayon Church in Bohol

The Baclayon Church in Bohol

It is one of the oldest church in the Philippines. This ancient massive edifice still retains its century-old architectural design. It features a a church bell dating back in 1835, convent, and a dungeon.

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